Prolog in 2022 is very different from Prolog in 1972.
Normal evolution like in many other languages
9. PROLOG has a future !
many questions :
- more logic
- more functionnal programming ?
- which name ?
should it be numbered ?
- solvers : integrated or libraries ?
- repositories of libraries ?
- compatibilities between diffeent prologs ?
- one or many prologs ?
10. Recommandations for a future of prolog
10.1. What is needed
- make developments of prolog programms easier
- publicize the knowledge of how complex problems are solved
- library of solved problems
- interface library
- show how complex problems are solved, not only toys
- world of cubes = 1000 cubes, not just 3 cubes
- dialogs in Natural language with hundreds of sentences and words.
not only 20 words of vocabulary
- install an interactive Prolog insinde the Jupyter framewordk
- more education
10.2. How to provide the answers
- publicize applications
- each prolog or logic conference MUST have invited papers on applications.
git specialized for prolog